In order of importance how would you rank:
happiness, money, love , health and fame ?
1. Love - Love ranks the top spot. Yeshua put a heavy emphasis on love. He said " If you love Me , obey My commands." " Love your neighbor as yourself". "Love the L-rd your G-d with all of your heart, mind and strength." There are many other verses on this topic for sure.
Our daily actions should stem from a heart of love toward G-d and others. We want to show love to our family and friends. We also want to be loved.
2. Health - Don't we all want to be healthy? We certainly don't want to be ill or infirmed. I can do more for those I care about if I take care of myself by eating right, getting enough rest and caring for my emotional well being.
3. Money - Let's face it, we need it. Without it we are homeless and possibly naked. We need it to buy food to live. We need it for shelter, for clothing, vehicles to get to work. As much as I dislike it, it's a must. Really
4. Happiness - Of course I want to be happy, I love it when it happens, but you know what? Nowhere in Scripture did G-d ever promise us "happy". Life happens, to all of us. We were assured of G-d's joy, which is not dependant on our circumstances , as is happiness.
5. Fame - I could care less! I don't need to be famous. As a child I dreamed of being a famous singer or dancer. I do however want to make an impact on those around me. To those I care about , I would like to be "famous" for having loved with all I have.