Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Question 16.

What Do You Do When Nothing Else Seems To Make You Happy?

Well, depending on the depth of my mood, there are different things that may do the trick of pulling me out of a funk. To be honest, if my mood is too deep into the pit, not much can pull me out and I may just have a good cry for the day.

Here are some things that may work for me.


Music is wonderful therapy for me that carries me away on the wings of every note. I can get lost for hours listening to music. In my teens I slept in my headphones.

A Walk

I love to get out in the midst of nature. The smell of trees and flowers fill my senses. The prospect of seeing some little woodlawn crerature excites me. I can never get enough of seeing a little furry or feathered freind. If the mood hits I may stroll the beach and focus on the sound of the rolling waves and seagulls. I may beachcomb for some little treasure to take home, some precious stone or shell.

Other things that can help are: being with good friends or talking on the phone with someone who can make me laugh. Talking with someone who lets me get it all of my chest. Sometimes just a change of scenery like taking a drive.

Other times, I need to just be in the moment, not try to find an escape or easy road out. Sometimes I need to just feel the emotions of the moment and process my thoughts.